Thursday, November 26, 2015

Christopher Columbus is terrorist, rapist, torturer, thief- Native Americans say!

Video Source: Cut

Christopher ‪#‎Columbus‬, the first and most horrifying terrorist in the history of America, who triggered not only looting money, but raping millions of women, killing adolescents, snatching the whole continent-land from inhabitants thus making it Free Land for his other European Nations that time illegally and unethically, even more out of his arrogant ignorance he named its' inhabitants as Indians (i..e, settler of India).

However, this is not my viewpoint to mark him as so, but this is what he termed now by the original inhabitants of America, who were massively oppressed at that time. History makes victorious one as Hero always, let us throw the light at the same matter from different angle when it is demand of time, who knows, may be there are some untold-unheard but significant stories waiting to knock down your perceived philosophical stance!

It is very pathetic that how miserable life Native Americans are now living there under the so called Reservation, one may have a look at the video below,

Video Source: Cut

The frightening matter is Native American's Mother Language is being purposely demolished to rule over them and when cultural identity a nation goes down, surely the backbone of that nation gets destroyed completely, hence, one has said at the below video that his grandma was being beaten as she spoke in her own native language and they are prohibited strategically from using native language, how pathetic it is!

Video Source: Cut

Perhaps, there were brutal stories to remark Native Americans as Redskin, and still it is used to exercise racism against them.

Video Source: Cut

According to Native Americans, history of #Thanksgiving is completely fake and inaccurate, and yes, though the idea of this is good but the root of it is completely full of horror, terrible, massacre, and romanticized.

Video Source: Cut

Humanity will be truly established, only if when none of the nations living in this world will be oppressed illegally and unethically- we should not forget this, and if you do so, then one day surely we will forget- We are actually Human!

- ‪#‎EHLatifee‬

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