Friday, February 26, 2016

What I feel being an apprentice of University of Dhaka

The experience is really great to be a MSS student of Institute of Social Welfare & Research - ISWR, University of Dhaka, as if till now there are only around 200 specialists on Industrial Relations and Labour Studies - IRLS till now in Bangladesh, at a situation when any industry would like to have such specialist within.

However, I am now having the advantage to pick up knowledge of Human Resources Management, Sociological Perspective of Industrial Work,Collective Bargaining, Social Welfare Administration and Management issues, Labour Administration and Labour Welfare, Industrial Psychology and Counseling, Labour Legislation and Labour Policy etc.- which are somehow new to me.
I firmly believe, an Economist is such individual who can change the existing economic conditions of micro-maso-macro economies of a state into better levels with real impact; when you will be flourishing yourself into multidisciplinary subjects and put those knowledge into your actions then only you will turn to be a true Economist, as if a nation's economy covers all the matters and issues addressing Human-Life-Cycle in every sense.

I would like to quote Charlie Munger (i.e., is an American businessman, lawyer, investor, and philanthropist) here, who said,
"If you skillfully follow the multidisciplinary path, you will never wish to come back. It would be like cutting off your hands"

Undoubtedly, skill cultures within you, when you are honest to gain knowledge and can practice it in your worldly life, through trial and error basis, you will get to be skilled sooner! The Holy Qur'an has a very inspiring verse which one can connect with this Skill-Building procedure,
"And that man will have nothing except that for which he has endeavored (to achieve)" (Reference: Verse 39, Chapter 53, Surah An-Najm)

Human history remarks it well too, we are born to solve any issue but not to be physical or psychological slave of any other human being. Wisdom sets you free, and wisdom comes, when you have got multidisciplinary insights.
Well, best wishes to you all and me! May the almighty bless us all with goodness. Amen.

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