Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Follow Up: Did Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council really call Bangladesh govt. for Beef Ban?

Enamul Hafiz Latifee writes,

It was out at some daily newspapers and online news sites that Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council had called to ban cow-ox slaughtering in Bangladesh on 26 February, 2016 while some of their representatives participated at an occasion in Jackson Heights, USA. Based on that news I made an immediate reaction through my Facbook account in following manner,
To slaughter cow-ox, is not prohibited in any of the Abrahimic religions (i.e., Judaism, Christianity, Islam), then what does it mean when Bangladesh's Hindu-Christian-Budhha Oikko Porishad asks the govt. of Bangladesh to ban on Cow Slaughtering, clearly it reveals that they are actually trying to poke the Muslims of this country with manipulated manifesto again, trying to create and trigger up conflicts, and I know it well, this is not the opinion of well-aware and concerned Jews, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who are living in Bangladesh.It seems, in Bangladesh, some Anti-Islamic and in broader sense Anti-Abrahimic Neo-Nationalism is going to take place, and surely movement of this group is making everyone to think of a new term 'Extremist Secularism'- indicating, a form of secularism which tries to eradicate the name of Islam and in wide sense Abrahimic Monotheism from the world by any mean and at any cost.Now, it's your duty to wake up and make protest in proper way being patient and strategic. 
Later, from Bangladesh end of  Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, a press note was circulated all over the media that they have not asked anything like so and some other people have misused their Council's name. The press not is added here for everyone's knowledge though,

However, it's very pity that the claim seems to be very weak and falsified, as if from the video shared by Time Television USA shows that Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, USA did really call for beef ban in Bangladesh, though it's verily peculiar that why did not they call USA govt. for banning cow-ox slaughtering, as if the Council is operational in USA. Well, the video is included here below for curious people who crave to know the truth only,

Nevertheless, patience, tolerance, love and respect should be kept by all the religious communities and should not poke any other religion like this, as if Cow-Ox is an pet animal to the followers of Abrahimic Monotheism and not equivalent to God or worship-able from any angle to them as like followers of Hinduism do. 

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