Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Progress+ Humanity= (Empowered Youth)^2

Once in a meeting, while two aged persons were trying to go against of the country interests (for making their businesses to flourish but by exploiting others), there was only me to raise the voice very strongly, and literally after that they tried to bully and humiliate me by saying- "Do you know, who I am, I taught several years there from where you are post-graduating now again."

I replied sharply then, "I am not what I had, but I am what I do occupy right now, and that is why, I am sitting just by you, a real bad luck for you today, indeed."

Yes dear, whether you accept it or not (does not matter), youths do set the exemplary milestones only, not any stocky brain.

The best example you have on your hands, the un-parallel success story of Mehedi Hasan Miraz that he thrashed England Cricket Team down by taking 12 wicket just in a single test match (,
Now even, when it comes to the growth and progress of one of the thirst sectors of Bangladesh (i.e., IT and E-commerce), I find youths are taking pioneer role there, (

Hence, the message is very clear-

If we had listened to and agreed with you, whenever you fat-bellied fellows tried to make your tummies more bigger by exploiting own people, we would have sold our country interests to traitors and got dissolved into frustration. It's our wisdom that we do rise, we do raise and stand against of all odds that you try to create.

And only youngsters are tremendously innovative, creative and smart.

#StayYoungstersBlessed #MehediHasanMiraz #ITecommerceYouth

~ #EHLatifee

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